Last Piglets of the Year


Shawn and I took our first vacation in two years to celebrate our twentieth anniversary. I had all these big plans to celebrate in a foreign location, but those kinds of trips are not possible this time of year there is way too much happening on the farm. We ended up just renting a room at the fanciest hotel within a 10-mile radius, so that way, we could still come home to milk the goats and check on our pregnant pigs. My mom and aunt also came over to watch and care for everything.

I knew that three of our pigs were due, but according to my calendar, we still had a couple of days until the big event. I set them up in their birthing stall, complete with a live camera feed to my phone so I could check on them, and I told my mom to call me if there was a problem. On the last day of our trip, of course, our seasoned breeder (Meghan) decided to go into labor a couple of days early. They always pick the most inconvenient time, but what was worse was that the hotel didn’t have cell service. My mom had help birth eleven piglets without even being able to call me for advice. She did an amazing job, I couldn't have done a better job if I had been there myself, and it was so exciting to come home to all those new adorable little piglets.


A few days later, both the other moms went into labor, giving me six more piglets. These piglets are my favorite since they're 75% mangalitsas rather than the normal cross of 50% crosses, and they got more of their fathers markings. Four of them were born razorback, and the other two have red faces. The price on these piglets is a little higher than my standard 50/50 cross, but trust me they're worth it.

I will be contacting everyone on the waiting list this coming week, and list any piglets available after. I should have a couple of extra not already spoken for. If your interested, please let me know asap because the last round sold out in two days.


Laundry Room Renovation


New Goat Barn