March Planting Guide

Zone 9

Direct Sow Outside

  • Alyssum

    3/4 - 3/25

    Direct sow in full sun to part shade; Can be grown in a pot or ground cover; Attracts beneficial insects.

  • Amaranthus

    3/11 - 3/25

    Likes 60 degree soil; Full sun; Makes a great hedge plant.

  • Ammi Majus

    3/11 - 3/25

    Direct sow in full sun; thin to 15-18” apart; Blooms in late spring to early summer; Doesn’t handle wind may need to be staked; Wear gloves can cause a rash.

  • Aster

    3/11 - 3/25

    Plant in full sun; Plant 18-36 inches apart; Only use a mild fertilizer; Late summer bloom; Great cut flower plant.

  • Balsam

    3/11 - 4/1

    Full sun or shade plant; Doesn’t like afternoon sun; Sprouts in 4-5 days.

  • Basil

    3/11 - 3/25

    6-8 weeks before the frost; Warm weather crop; Plant outside once soil is 50 degrees but prefers 70 degree soil; Direct sow or transplant.

  • Beans

    3/11 - 4/8

    Sow after frost; Doesn’t like it’s roots disturbed, add supports before planting; Direct sow only; Succession-plant for easier harvest.

  • Beets

    2/4 - 3/11

    Direct sow 4 weeks before the last frost; Soak seeds for 24 hour before planting; Will bolt once temps reach 75°F; Grown in spring & fall.

  • Bells of Ireland

    2/25 - 3/25

    Prechill seeds before planting; Direct sow; 1 inch of rain per week; Stake plants when they are young.

  • Borage

    3/11 - 3/25

    Direct sow in full or partial sun; Annual plant will self sow; Morning harvest; Used in tea, salads, or the flowers can be candied.

  • Broccoli

    2/4 - 3/11

    2-4 weeks before the last frost; Cold weather crop germinates as low as 40 degrees; Bolts once over 75 degrees; Can be transplanted.

  • Carrots

    2/4 - 3/11

    Direct sow 4 weeks before the last frost; Succession-plant weekly; Grown in spring & fall.

  • Chamomile

    3/11 - 3/25

    Sow indoor 6-8 weeks before last frost date, or direct sow after frost; Like 70 degree soil; Needs full sun with good drainage.

  • Cilantro

    3/4 - 4/1

    Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost; Likes 70 degree soil; Can also be direct sown after frost.

  • Collards

    2/18 -3/18

    Best direct sown; Plant in full sun; Keep well watered, best done early in day; Harvest at 6-8 inches tall.

  • Corn

    3/4 - 3/25

    Best direct sown after frost; Easy to grow, likes a lot of sun.

  • Cucumber

    3/11 - 4/1

    Direct sow; Likes soil temps above 60 degrees; Hates to be transplanted.

  • Dill

    2/4 - 4/1

    Plant after frost; Annual plant that will self seed; Pinch off flowers to stop spread and promote leaf production.

  • Fennel

    3/11 - 3/25

    Sow indoors 4-6 weeks before the last frost or direct sow after frost; Like soil 70 degrees; Keep well watered.

  • Garlic

    1/28 - 3/11

    Can be started in late fall but Jan is better if space is an issue; Plant in well drained soil; Full sun; Harvest when tops start to yellow; Dry for storage.

  • Gourds

    3/11 - 4/8

    Direct sow in rich well drained soil; Plant in full sun; Once inch of water per week.

  • Horseradish

    1/28 - 3/11

    1 inch of rain per week; Prune some of the smaller weaker sprouts; When leaves reach 10” dig up remove side roots & almost all leaves and replant.

  • Kale

    2/4 - 3/4

    Can be started indoor; Sow 3-5 weeks before the last frost; Spring or fall crop; Tastes better in the fall.

  • Kohlrabi

    2/4 - 3/11

    Direct sow after danger of frost has past; Keep moist; Full sun.

  • Lemon Balm

    3/11 - 3/25

    Sow indoor 6-8 weeks before spring frost; likes 70 degree soil temps; After bloom cut back by 2/3.

  • Lemongrass

    3/11 - 3/25

    Plant in full sun; Harvest when leafy top is 10-12 inches; Repels mosquitoes; Not cold hardy.

  • Marjoram

    3/11 - 3/25

    Plant in full sun; Best sown indoor 8-10 weeks before last spring frost; Likes 70 degree soil temps; Pinch stems to encourage bushy growth.

  • Morning Glory

    2/25 - 3/18

    Direct sow 2 week after last frost; Nic or sand seed before planting and soak overnight; Hates containers.

  • Okra

    3/11 - 4/1

    Full sun; 1-1.5” of rain per week; Water early in the day; Pick pods continuously to encourage new growth.

  • Parsley

    3/4 - 4/1

    Best be started indoor 8-10 weeks before last spring frost; Keep soil 70 degrees; Full sun; Sometimes self sows.

  • Peas

    2/4 - 3/11

    4-6 weeks before the last frost; Frost hardy; Spring or fall crop; Crop rotation is important; Can be transplanted but hates it.

  • Poppies

    2/25 - 3/18

    Needs some cold stratification; part sun - full sun; Direct sow is best; Has tap root and will get transplant shock easily.

  • Potato

    1/28 - 3/11

    Easy to grow; Protect from frost; Mound plants; Well drained soil.

  • Pumpkin

    3/11 - 3/25

    Direct sow after frost danger has past; Plant in mounds.

  • Radicchio

    2/4 - 3/11

    Plant in full sun; Spring & fall crop; Can harvest leaves as you go and harvest whole head after first frost.

  • Radish

    2/4 - 3/4

    4-6 weeks before last frost; Spring or fall crop; Best to directly sow; protect from frost.

  • Spinach

    2/25 - 3/18

    Sow as soon as soil is 40 degrees in the spring or no warmer than 70 degrees in the fall; Direct sow only; Sow with radishes.

  • Squash

    3/11 - 4/1

    Direct sow after frost danger has pasted; Keep moist; Mound plant for better drainage.

  • Tomatillo

    3/11 - 3/25

    6-8 weeks before last spring frost; Likes 75 degree soil; Likes full sun.

  • Turnip

    2/4 - 3/4

    Direct sow 4-6 weeks before last frost; Cold weather crop plant early; Doesn’t transplant well; Easy to bolt.

  • Watermelon

    3/11 - 3/25

    Direct sow only; Like 70 degree soil temp; Mount plant; Keep moist.

  • Zinnia

    3/11 - 3/25

    Start indoors 5-7 weeks before transplanting, or direct sow after frost; Likes soil 70-75 degrees; Full sun.

  • Zucchini

    3/11 - 4/1

    Direct sow after frost danger has pasted; Keep moist; Mound plant for better drainage.

Transplant Starts

  • Angelonia

    3/11 - 3/25

    Sow indoor 6-8 weeks before last frost; Likes 70-75 degree soil temp; Plant 18” apart; When 6” pinch tips to encourage branching.

  • Arugula

    2/4 - 3/25

    Best flavor if grown in the winter; Full sun to partial shade; Keep well water likes 1 inch of rain a week.

  • Aster

    3/11 - 3/25

    Plant in full sun; Plant 18-36 inches apart; Only use a mild fertilizer; Late summer bloom; Great cut flower plant.

  • Basil

    3/11 - 3/25

    6-8 weeks before the frost; Warm weather crop; Plant outside once soil is 50 degrees but prefers 70 degree soil; Direct sow or transplant.

  • Begonia

    3/11 - 4/8

    Part sun to full shade; Great potted plant otherwise start indoor early then transplant outside; Like 70-75 degree soil.

  • Blackberry

    1/14 - 3/11

    Best planted from cutting; Plant 100’ from red raspberries; Fruits in the summer; Harvest 2x a week.

  • Blueberry

    1/14 - 3/11

    Best planted bare root; Sunny to partial shade; Plant at least 2 so they cross pollinate; Prune while the plant is dormant.

  • Broccoli

    2/4 - 3/11

    2-4 weeks before the last frost; Cold weather crop germinates as low as 40 degrees; Bolts once over 75 degrees; Can be transplanted.

  • Cabbage

    2/4 - 3/4

    Start indoors 8 weeks before frost & transplant 3-5 weeks before the last frost. Harden off before planting; Likes to be 70 degrees.

  • Cauliflower

    2/4 - 3/4

    Needs temps to be constant temperatures around 60 degrees; Likes consistent care; Difficult to grow.

  • Chamomile

    3/11 - 3/25

    Sow indoor 6-8 weeks before last frost date, or direct sow after frost; Like 70 degree soil; Needs full sun with good drainage.

  • Chives

    1/28 - 3/11

    Must be started indoors and then transplanted after frost; Start indoor 8-10 weeks before frost date; Likes 70 degree soil.

  • Cilantro

    3/4 - 4/1

    Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost; Likes 70 degree soil; Can also be direct sown after frost.

  • Echinacea

    1/28 - 3/11

    Spring or Fall crop; Start indoors 8-10 weeks before transplanting; Like soil temps 65-70 degrees; Protect from frost.

  • Eggplant

    3/11 - 4/1

    Start 8 weeks before the last frost; Likes 75 degree soil temp; Not recommended for direct sow.

  • Fennel

    3/11 - 3/25

    Sow indoors 4-6 weeks before the last frost or direct sow after frost; Like soil 70 degrees; Keep well watered.

  • Hops

    1/14 - 3/11

    Planted from a cutting; Needs full sun; Requires 120 frost free days to bloom; Dies back to ground each fall.

  • Kale

    2/4 - 3/4

    Can be started indoor; Sow 3-5 weeks before the last frost; Spring or fall crop; Tastes better in the fall.

  • Lavender

    1/28 - 3/11

    Sow indoors 6-10 weeks before last frost; Keep soil moist; Likes soil temps 70-80 degrees.

  • Lemon Balm

    3/11 - 3/25

    Sow indoor 6-8 weeks before spring frost; likes 70 degree soil temps; After bloom cut back by 2/3.

  • Lemongrass

    3/11 - 3/25

    Plant in full sun; Harvest when leafy top is 10-12 inches; Repels mosquitoes; Not cold hardy.

  • Lettuce

    2/4 - 3/18

    4-6 weeks before the last frost; Once soil temps are 40 degrees; Cold season crop; Can be transplanted but best directly sown; Succession-plant weekly.

  • Marjoram

    3/11 - 3/25

    Plant in full sun; Best sown indoor 8-10 weeks before last spring frost; Likes 70 degree soil temps; Pinch stems to encourage bushy growth.

  • Mint

    2/4 - 3/25

    Alway plant in containers, very invasive; Likes to be moist; Full sun or partial shade.

  • Onion

    1/28 - 3/4

    Best started indoors; Likes soil temps 50+ degrees; Protect from frost; Light sensitive check variety for duration requirements.

  • Parsley

    3/4 - 4/1

    Best be started indoor 8-10 weeks before last spring frost; Keep soil 70 degrees; Full sun; Sometimes self sows.

  • Rosemary

    2/25 - 3/25

    Started indoor 10 weeks before last spring frost or propagated; Likes 70 degree soil temp; Best harvested in the morning.

  • Strawberry

    1/28 - 3/11

    Likes 6 weeks of cold; Plant with crown out of soil; Wait until second year to harvest.

  • Thyme

    2/25 - 3/25

    Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last spring frost; Hard to start from seed; Likes 70 degree soil temp; Lasts about 5-6 years, prune back hard to add life.

  • Tomatillo

    3/11 - 3/25

    6-8 weeks before last spring frost; Likes 75 degree soil; Likes full sun.

  • Zinnia

    3/11 - 3/25

    Start indoors 5-7 weeks before transplanting, or direct sow after frost; Likes soil 70-75 degrees; Full sun.

“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.”

Charles Dickens