April Planting Guide

Zone 9

Direct Sow Outside

  • Balsam

    3/11 - 4/1

    Full sun or shade plant; Doesn’t like afternoon sun; Sprouts in 4-5 days.

  • Beans

    3/11 - 4/8

    Sow after frost; Doesn’t like it’s roots disturbed, add supports before planting; Direct sow only; Succession-plant for easier harvest.

  • Cilantro

    3/4 - 4/1

    Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost; Likes 70 degree soil; Can also be direct sown after frost.

  • Cucumber

    3/11 - 4/1

    Direct sow; Likes soil temps above 60 degrees; Hates to be transplanted.

  • Dill

    2/4 - 4/1

    Plant after frost; Annual plant that will self seed; Pinch off flowers to stop spread and promote leaf production.

  • Gourds

    3/11 - 4/8

    Direct sow in rich well drained soil; Plant in full sun; Once inch of water per week.

  • Okra

    3/11 - 4/1

    Full sun; 1-1.5” of rain per week; Water early in the day; Pick pods continuously to encourage new growth.

  • Parsley

    3/4 - 4/1

    Best be started indoor 8-10 weeks before last spring frost; Keep soil 70 degrees; Full sun; Sometimes self sows.

  • Squash

    3/11 - 4/1

    Direct sow after frost danger has pasted; Keep moist; Mound plant for better drainage.

  • Zucchini

    3/11 - 4/1

    Direct sow after frost danger has pasted; Keep moist; Mound plant for better drainage.

Transplant Starts

  • Begonia

    3/11 - 4/8

    Part sun to full shade; Great potted plant otherwise start indoor early then transplant outside; Like 70-75 degree soil.

  • Cilantro

    2/18 - 4/1

    Sow indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost; Likes 70 degree soil; Can also be direct sown after frost.

  • Eggplant

    3/11 - 4/1

    Start 8 weeks before the last frost; Likes 75 degree soil temp; Not recommended for direct sow.

  • Oregano

    3/4 - 4/8

    Start 8-10 weeks before the last frost date; Must be kept over 45 degrees; Likes 70 degree moist soil.

  • Parsley

    3/4 - 4/8

    Best be started indoor 8-10 weeks before last spring frost; Keep soil 70 degrees; Full sun; Sometimes self sows.

"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant."

Robert Louis Stevenson