Sharing the Goat Milk

We have goat milk!!!! I have spent the last two years planning and gearing up for this moment. I know it doesn't look like much, but I am just happy to finally be here. Some breeders believe in pulling the kids immediately after delivery, by doing that they are able to maximize their production. We're not a big farm, and I want the moms to have the experience of naturally raising their own kids. After hours of research, looking at all the possibilities, I decided on doing milk sharing with the kids. The first week the kids get all the milk, I just let mom do her thing. The second week, I start to milk the moms once a day (mornings). If there is any extra milk after the kids wonderful, if not, the moms are at least getting used to the routine of milking. Milking like this will continue once a day until the kids are weaning, and then we start milking twice a day. This goes on until the next kidding season, which is about 10 months. I'm really excited about this plan, it allows us to get the milk we need to start making cheese, and the goats are still able to have a natural and healthy experience.


Custom Egg Cartons


Baby Goats