October Planting Guide

Zone 9

Direct Sow Outside

  • Arugula

    9/30 - 11/4

    Best flavor if grown in the winter; Full sun to partial shade; Keep well water likes 1 inch of rain a week.

  • Beets

    10/14 - 10/28

    Direct sow 4 weeks before the last frost; Soak seeds for 24 hour before planting; Will bolt once temps reach 75°F; Grown in spring & fall.

  • Kale

    9/30 - 10/14

    Can be started indoor; Sow 3-5 weeks before the last frost; Spring or fall crop; Tastes better in the fall.

  • Lettuce

    9/30 - 10/14

    4-6 weeks before the last frost; Once soil temps are 40 degrees; Cold season crop; Can be transplanted but best directly sown; Succession-plant weekly.

  • Radicchio

    9/30 - 10/14

    Plant in full sun; Spring & fall crop; Can harvest leaves as you go and harvest whole head after first frost.

Transplant Starts

  • Cauliflower

    9/16 - 10/14

    Needs temps to be constant temperatures around 60 degrees; Likes consistent care; Difficult to grow.

  • Blueberry

    10/2 - 11/11

    Best planted bare root; Sunny to partial shade; Plant at least 2 so they cross pollinate; Prune while the plant is dormant.

  • Blackberry

    9/30 - 11/11

    Best planted from cutting; Plant 100’ from red raspberries; Fruits in the summer; Harvest 2x a week.

  • Brussels Sprouts

    9/23 - 10/14

    Can be grown in the spring but does best in the fall; likes 70 degree soil temps; sow indoor 8 weeks before transplanting; harden off for one week before planting.

  • Cabbage

    9/23 - 10/14

    Start indoors 8 weeks before frost & transplant 3-5 weeks before the last frost. Harden off before planting; Likes to be 70 degrees.

  • Hops

    9/30 - 11/11

    Planted from a cutting; Needs full sun; Requires 120 frost free days to bloom; Dies back to ground each fall.

  • Lavender

    9/30 - 11/11

    Sow indoor 6-10 weeks before last spring frost; Likes 70-80 degree soil; Harden off before moving outside; Harvest in the morning.

  • Lettuce

    9/23 - 10/28

    4-6 weeks before the last frost; Once soil temps are 40 degrees; Cold season crop; Can be transplanted but best directly sown; Succession-plant weekly.

"October is crisp days and cool nights, a time to curl up around the dancing flames and sink into a good book."

John Sinor